Chaturaji Chess Team

38 Anëtarë
16 sht 2024
1 Ngjarje Luajtur

Variants lover? Ever tried Chaturaji? You have? That's so awesome let's play some! Oh yeah we also host tournaments and have a great community of nice online-a-lot players and I think you could be our next addition. I almost forgot to mention, soon we are going to have an openings book. Just the thing to improve your gameplay. We're also going to have standard and 960 vote chess, live chess, and daily. This club aims to be a great community for lots of awesome players, a source of up to date new openings, and a place where you can competitively try out your new openings and ideas. We also have forums where you can post fun games, openings and more! 

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How to get staff

Coordinator, be on the Chaturaji leaderboard or apply for all coorodinator tasks.

Admin, Help out with the club.

Super Admin, Major role in the functioning of the club, and must be very trusted member.

Tasks For Coorodinator, Admin and SA

Coorodinator: Keep notes/forums tidy, anwser questions, report abuse to admins, greet new members.

Not completing these tasks for 2 weeks in a row => demotion to member.

Admin: invite members, post forums, create anouncements, ban members reported by coorodinators.

Not completing these tasks for 2 weeks in a row (events and announcemets are optional) => demotion to coorodinator.

SA (Super Admin) host club events, promote/demote +all admin tasks.

Not completing these tasks for 10 days in a row (events and announcements are optional): => demotion to admin.

Note: the owner cannot get demoted exept if they leave
