Chess Cuber Club

114 Membres
24 de gen. 2024
Has participat en 27activitats


"Hey there! Join our friendly club to discuss  chess.  This club promotes learning and  endurance of chess. It's a great place to improve your skills in both games! See you there! I hope you have a great time!! ( advertising is allowed).

Record For inviting people in a week-

1) @HelloLocustMan (102 invites in a week)

2) @Cuber_Bezalel- ( 68 invites a week)

3) @TheAdvancedQueen( @HelloLocustMan) (24 invites a week)

If you come on No.3 you will get 5 cheers, If you come on No.2 then 14 cheers, and if you come on No.1 then 32 cheers. If you have come in top three then ask me and l will give you those cheers. Good Luck Breaking My record!!

