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Columbia SC Chess Club
COLUMBIA CHESS CLUB Columbia Chess Club 6169 St Andrews Rd Columbia SC 29212   Website: https://www.columbiachess.org/ Disco...
The SpaceAliens
You have reached a new club where wonders can take you across the galaxy. Where rockets go and explore the unknown planets that awaits us to our ex...
World Cities League HQ
This group is for all admins of teams who participate in one of the World Cities Leagues (WCL and Chess960 WCL). If you are an admin of any group r...
International Daily Chess League
Join this club to take part in an individual chess league. The club will not play in inter-club matches. It is purely to organise a league internal...
대화 클럽
체스닷컴 한국 회원들끼리 잡담을 나누는 클럽입니다. 체스 이외의 얘기도 가능합니다.
Our Palace
Here we can talk about anything no problem. Nothing would be secret in this club 
Team of Budapest
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. The Budapest Commuter Area is home to 3.3 million people. The history of Budapest began with Aquincum, that bec...
The Bear Cubs
If you are a beginner and are looking for games with similarly rated players, please join The Bear Cubs, are an Under 1450 group ! We are cousins o...
9 800
New Jersey Chess Team
This is a group for all those on chess.com who currently live in or are former residents of New Jersey. We primarily compete in the US Team Chess L...
1 586
El club Bolivia es el club oficial que representa a Bolivia en chess.com. Todas las personas que quieran formar parte del grupo son bienvenidas. J...
2 999
Kuwait Chess Team
Kuwait Chess Team: The official representative of The World League and The Asian League. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would yo...
Hello! 🌸  I invite you in club "Sakura" We play in tournaments, daily matches and vote chess. Join us and have fun 😇🌸
1 623
Laugh Master Club
hi there! We are masters of laughter! And this is a club filled with friendship & laugh (love) with  400+ members, we have all kinds of ...
Wellington Chess Club
Wellington Chess Club now meets every Thursday at 7:30. All welcome. Casual games and nationally rated tournaments. 17 Tinakori Road, Thorndon, W...
За све добронамерне шахисте. Придржавање правила цхесс.цом. Join SK Leštane, we are the team that is the vice champion in the arenas organized by ...
Team Missouri
Representing Missouri in Chess.com's US Team Chess League, this is a group for people born in the Great State of Missouri, or a resident thereof. W...
Team Japan
このグループは日本に住んでいる人、または日本と強い関係のある人のためのチームです。日本の代表として、他のチームと対戦し、一緒にチェスを楽しみましょう。This is a group for people living in or having a strong connection to Ja...
3 841
Great ideas start with coffee. Tournaments - Matches - Vote Chess - Chess Forum
Andorra Chess Federation
Club oficial de la Federació d'Escacs Valls d'Andorra (FEVA). Pots trobar tota la informació referent als escacs al Principat d'And...
Schachfreunde Sachsen
    Die Schachfreunde Sachsen sind ein Club  FÜR ALLE   die hier geboren sind, hier leben, lieben oder...
Vote Chess Powerhouse
Our team, Chess.com vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 6 strongest Vote Chess teams on Chess.com. Recognizing our growth and potential, we...