Finn en sjakklubb

Team Ethiopia
This is the group representing ''Ethiopia'' in the World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
3 049
Rob's USCF Tournaments Club
A Club of those invited interested in USCF online rated chess, if you want to join the club, you must be A united states chess federation member. ...
ChessUp by Bryght Labs → This is a club exclusively for ChessUp board owners to play against each other on a revolutionary smart chess board!
GG club public
GG club is a public club; every one is welcome to join  
DTD chess
Hello, welcome to my club. When you come here, you need to know that everyone in here is friends, anyone who has an unrecognizable behavior ...
166 em Português
 Bem-vindo ao Clube Oficial do em Português 😍------------------------------ Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais - também entr...
34 082
Campionato Italiano a Squadre
Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul Campionato Italiano a Squadre.
Team Spain Live
Team Spain Live es el equipo oficial de España para competiciones en vivo en Un equipo comprometido, competitivo, con ilusi&o...
Chess University - Cuba
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Cuba que desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de ajedrez...
1 606
Red Pawn  -  Chess Team
The Mark Mental Asylum
For those of you who like to socialize but have a… peculiar sense of humor This is a private club, but it is open to the public. This s...
2 186
Equipe Quebec team
Ceci est l'équipe officielle représentant la province du Québec. Nous participons a plusieurs matchs/évènements excitants. 'Une équipe tout Québec....
Ajedrez de las Españas
Equipo de ajedrez creado para todos los aficionados al ajedrez hispanoamericanos, filipinos y ecuatoguienanos, para fomentar la fraternidad entre l...
1 770
Club de Ajedrez de Luisón
Bienvenido a mi club. Si formas parte de él podrás participar en los torneos que organizaremos para entrenar un poco y animar los shows de http://t...
6 894
Rizzlers House
HAIIIII DO U HAVE RIZZZ???? 😏 IF SO U SHOULD FRR JOIN THIS CLUBB.!!!  😏 😏 This club is also for cool ppl who know how to vibe. So If...
City Chess Uz
City Chess is an international chess club from Uzbekistan. Instagram — YouTube —
2 007
The Average Community
A club for average people Feeeel free to spam  we have VC matches and weekly tournaments so we hope u enjoy  Hope u enjoy and then ...
Chess Armory
The official club of
1 884
Team Austria
Every Austrian Player is welcome!!!! Jeder aus der Alpenrepublik ist herzlich eingeladen!!!!!
4 424
       International chess club  Join in and play.....LUMINOUS CHESS CLUB Welcome to our group 😊     ⭐...
1 060