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 Hi my name is Caleb and I wanted to take a second and share just how much I love the game of chess with anyone who might be visiting this page. I have coached the game of chess for 20 years and don't see myself doing anything else anytime soon. I know that chess coaches can be a bit pricey and I don't want something to hold people back from getting the help they need. 

I offer quality online group lessons for Beginner-Intermediate level players and  online Intermediate-Advanced group lessons for more ambitious players. 4 lessons for 50 dollars a month. 

If you would like to do a trial group lesson, then hit me up and I will slide you into a class and we can see if it would be a good fit for you. Shoot me a message at [email protected] with the subject line group lessons. 

Thanks and I look forward to talking with you soon!

2014 Idaho State Chess Champion,

Caleb Kircher

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The Moon Club
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The Curly Club
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Vannyka Queen Club
Vannyka Queen Club 396 Nariai (-ių)