
Learn the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack

Learn the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack

Learn an exciting response to the Ruy Lopez!

The Marshall Attack is a sound and aggressive response to the Ruy Lopez. It's a great defense for Black and a key opening for 1.e4 players to learn for White. This course will guide you through the key ideas for both sides. Start playing the Marshall Attack today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn how Black can sacrifice a pawn for a dangerous initiative.
  • Learn White's tricks for keeping the extra pawn or giving it back for good play.
  • Practice thematic tactics for both sides.
  • Find the moves in a brilliant attacking game by GM Michael Adams.

Learn the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack

Learn the key ideas and structures that you need to play effectively with either White or Black in the Marshall Attack.
19 min
10 iššūkiai (-ių)

Learn the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack: Thematic Tactics

Learn the common tactical ideas for both sides in the Marshall Attack.
10 iššūkiai (-ių)

Learn the Ruy Lopez Marshall Attack: Model Game

Grandmaster Michael Adams is one of the strongest and most frequent practitioners of the Marshall Attack with the black pieces. Find Adams's moves in a brilliant attack against GM Vasilios Kotronias.
1 iššūkis