체스 클럽을 찾으세요

The Snakes of Chess -TSoC-
Hi! We are a devoted, small, active, hardworking club that NEEDS YOU! Without members, this club would not work.  Please join! 
The Golden Phoenix
We are a club for our members. The Golden Phoenix was created as a pleasant place where people can play chess as a team, both with and against team...
ChessHouse Club
Клуб Шахматный дом теперь в chess.com! Тут проводятся игровые части онлайн-занятий, а также общие турниры, в которых могут играть все желающие! При...
Standard Champions
First 2 becomes super admin! Next five becomes Admin! The ten after that becomes cord! 
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
Ce club représente la ville de Rennes dans la province française de Bretagne. Nous jouerons en CFE - Championnat de France par Equipe. https://www...
EA Beginners Club
Beginner chess club at Enlightium Academy in the 2024-2025 school year.
- Road To GM  -
The "GM" in Road to GM does not stand for Grand Master, but rather, it stands for "Great Mindset". For any grandmasters who achieved that title onl...
Jackalope USCF Club
Welcome to the Jackalope Club In order to be/stay in this club you need to keep your USCF membership up to date and for me to verify that you’re w...
City Creek Chess Club
We're a chess club that is based out of Salt Lake City, UT, looking to promote chess beginners, experts, and anyone in-between by hosting weekly in...
Kingdom Saudi Arabia Chess Team
Kingdom Saudi Arabia Chess Team: The official representative of The Arab League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Wou...
1WL results
  This is the public club about results in the ONE WORLD League.You can consult all forums in this club without being a member.
TCS Maitree Chess Club
This club was created for all the chess players who are associates of Tata Consultancy Services. To join the club whatsapp - Velmurugan / Praveen ...
The Killer Derivatives
(No advertising w/o admin permission please). We are a group that is aiming to become the strongest vote chess group on chess.com! We are ranked#16...
Deutscher Schachbund
Dies ist das offizielle Team des Deutschen Schachbundes e.V. für alle Mitglieder, aber auch für alle deutschen, deutschsprachigen und befreundeten ...
La Casa del Ajedrez
La Casa del Ajedrez es un espacio dedicado a quienes aman el ajedrez o quieren aprender más sobre este fascinante juego. Aquí fomenta...
Discovery One
Embark on our Spaceship and explore Cosmic Strategy and Stellar Tactics from distant Galaxies  
Chess Riddle Masters
🕵️‍♂️♟️ Welcome to Chess Riddle Masters! ♟️🕵️‍♀️ ✨ Where the board meets the brain and riddles reign supreme! ✨ 🧩 Can you crack...
Anime Crowd
Hello everyone! We are one of the large anime communities here on chess.com currently ranking in 2nd place! We established a great community o...
The Game Zone, a pocket of time and space created by the Time Lords that was at the centre of the Panopticon - the great city on the Time Lord h...
DT Chessclub
Hello, this club is the DT Chessclub. Everyone is welcome in this club! If you like daily games then take a look at the team matches. We also have ...
Grad Niš - City of Nis
Grupa za sve igrače iz Niša i okoline. Ekipa se takmiči u svim ligama i kupovima gradova koji se organizuju na sajtu: World Cities League, Cities W...