საჭადრაკო კლუბის მოძებნა

1WL LIVE tournaments
1WL LIVE tournaments is a public club for everyone.We're hosting individual tournaments, Multi Club Arenas in the ONE WORLD Lea...
Los amigos de Chanquete
Hola amigo: El Club “LOS AMIGOS DE CHANQUETE” es actualmente TOP ONE Mundial, Campeón de la TMCL ALPHA 2023 y 2024 y la 1WL OP...
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- International Chess Friends -
Welcome to - International Chess Friends -! International Chess Friends is a club that brings together friends but also great players! &n...
ROMANIA Chess Federation
  Intrarea în club este acceptată jucătorilor de şah şi suporterilor şahului, dacă îndepliniţi una dintre condiţiile:   ...
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Hallo Sannu سلام Hɛlo Aloha pershendetje שלום Cześć ሀሎ नमस्ते Olá مرحبًا Nyob zoo ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Ողջույն Helló Allinllachu নমস্কাৰ Hall...
San Diego Group
 We welcome all  mutual respect and share Chess and life. There is no avoiding Life especially in a game of Chess.  : You ne...
bí mật
Arena champs
  Hello everyone, if you are still not in this club then join now! We will have many activities.  Our banner....  
Team Azerbaijan
Bu, Azərbaycandan olan və Azərbaycanla bağlı olan şahmatçıların bir araya gəldiyi komandadır. Şahmat insanları birləşdirən böyük qüvvədir. Bizim əs...
1 165
Square By Square
You are invited to the 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 club/Welcome to the homepage of the 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 club What does our club offer you? Main features ...
Team Buenos Aires
https://www.chess.com/club/matches/team-buenos-aires/1503707Team Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
The Shadow Ninjas - TSN
Welcome to ~ The Shadow Ninjas!! Here we can do many things: 1. Talk  2. Play 3. Be active  4. Respect one another  5....
Team New Zealand
This is the group representing New Zealand in the Chess.com World and Asian Leagues. Members may only represent one country in each of these 2 leag...
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The Great War of Jack VS Ava
In this club takes place the ferocious battle of Jack VS Ava (And anyone else who wants to join) This is a War Role Play club, you can create c...
RK Chess Gurukul
Website: https://rkchessgurukul.com/
República Portuguesa
Bem-vindo ao nosso clube de xadrez, onde estratégia se encontra com diversão em cada movimento! Seja você um mestre experiente ...
Chess Society of IRAN
جامعه شطرنج ایران؛ اینجا خانه‌ی تمامی ایرانیان است، به خانه خود خوش آمدید. مرجع برگزاری جام‌های سالیانه؛ پشتیبانی مسابقات مختلف از جمله م...
2 715
Are you up for a game of chess? If so, I encourage you to join one of the greatest communities on chess.com. The ARC! It is an online chess club wh...
Anime Chat Club
Hello, We invite you to Anime Chat Team! Thanks!
Oleksandr Bortnyk , ( born 18 Octobre 1996) is an Ukrainian grandmaster who living in USA .He is streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/bortnykchess .
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