Ադամանդե Անդամ

Hello, my name is Milos Krstic and I am from Serbia. I am 24 years old, and I have been playing chess since i was 6. I am looking forward to share my chess knowledge and experience with some of you. I am looking for students who want to absorb this knowledge and progress in chess. My biggest achievements are several medals from Serbian Cadet Championships in Standard, Rapid and Blitz chess. I played in 2018 World Youth Chess Championship U18 in Porto Carras, Greece. My rating is currently 2241 and I am Candidate Master.

If you choose me, you can expect:

1. Better understanding of chess game

2. Better confidence in yourself

3. Progress in terms of rating and quality of play

I can upgrade your:

1. opening theory knowledge (you should never learn opening theory by heart, but you should understand the type of position and the ideas in it)

2. strategy and tactics knowledge by analyzing and exercising with the help of exercises which range from easy to hard

3. endgame knowledge (the part of game which is usually the biggest problem).

I am looking forward for new students. I am available for teaching lessons and for playing and analyzing training games. For more info about me and price of lessons, send me a message.

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