Trouvez un club d'échecs

Team Moldova
Această echipă reprezintă Republica Moldova în cadrul Campionatului Mondial și cel European, organizat pe Pentru a intra în echipă, vă r...
1 385
Chess Club at Indiana University
Chess Club at Indiana University. Feel free to join the club if you are a student, professor, employee, or alum of IU. 
This club is a part of chess cats union! But the evil kind of chess cats' union... If you like cats and want to be apart of the chess cats soci...
INTRODUCTION Welcome to Jujism: a club of utmost historical significance for Atomic Chess lovers who enjoy friendly chats and explosions. BOOMA! ...
BULGARIA  - chess    academy
Za vsichki balgarski igrachi koito praviat parvi stapki v chaxa.
3 893
'দাবাপাঠ - DabaPath' বাংলাভাষায় বাংলাদেশের দাবা নিয়ে কাজ করতে প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ। ফেসবুক পেজ: দাবাপাঠ - DabaPath  যুক্ত হোন আমাদের গ্রুপে: দা...
ChessBase India Official
The Official ChessBase India Chess Club
Team Emilia-Romagna gruppo rappresenta l`Emilia-Romagna nel campionato italiano a squadre (CIS), n...
¿Quieres sumarte a un club donde siempre hay torneos, diversión, un grupo de gente genial y análisis de partidas en twitch?Do ...
3 916
Alexandra Kosteniuk Fan Club
Follow Alexandra Kosteniuk on her official Twitch-channel:Подписывайтесь на личный Твитч-канал Александры Костенюк...
1 321
The Snakes of Chess -TSoC-
Hi! We are a devoted, small, active, hardworking club that NEEDS YOU! Without members, this club would not work. We had a draw versus Chess School,...
STC Round Robins
A club for Round Robin tournaments at slow time controls (G60+30 and G90+30). We offer double round robin tournaments with 4 players and 6 players....
Desana Middle School Chess Club
The DeSana Chess Club is for all students who want to be part of a chess community in DeSana Middle School!
COSP Chess Club
This is a private group for Church of Saint Paul parishioners. Please contact JPBrounstein if you would like to join! Thanks! -JPBrounstein Admin
Welcome to the official Chessable club! We run thematic tournaments to help you train your favourite openings, exclusive events with Chessable aut...
Scorpion Chess Kingdom
Scorpion Chess Kingdom is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess skills, and to enjoy challenging...
Yorkshire Terriers
A team for all Yorkies at home or in foreign parts. If you are proud of your county and want to be a part of our team please join. This Group is ...
Spartan Warriors
Spartan Warriors of chess, never give up. With your shield & dory linked to your fellow Spartan, our wall will not be breached! A Spartan maste...
Kingdom Saudi Arabia Chess Team
Kingdom Saudi Arabia Chess Team: The official representative of The Arab League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Wou...
1 679
Team Australia - Perth W.A.
Team Australia - Perth W.A. is a club that represents Perth in the state of Western Australia.   We represent Perth in the World Cities...
Chessmates Online Academy
This is the club for the Fort Collins Chessmates community. Join us for weekly tournaments to sharpen your skills and compete against other members...
Love the chess variant "crazyhouse"? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc.
4 179
Swiss Chess Federation
Willkommen im offiziellen des Schweizerischen Schachbundes (SSB)! (la version française suit ci-dessous) Wir möchten eine Plattform...
2 514