I realized that GOD'S real intention for MAN was a LIFE OF LOVE and PURITY. When SIN entered the WORLD from ADAM and EVE'S DISOBEDIENCE. SHAME and GUILT came to EARTH because of SIN...... SIN means "REBELLION AGAINST GOD" and "MISSED THE MARK OF LIFE GOD HAS SET FOR US"...... I realized My INIQUITIES (IMMORALITY,INJUSTICE, and WICKEDNESS) had affected my LIFE, so much.....LIFE became UNBEARABLE. I was controlled by UNFORGIVENESS, SHAME, AND GUILT, and a DIS-LIKE for my WAYS. I did'nt know why though???.....I was seeking LOVE and did not realize it. Sin caused a disconnect from GOD. JESUS came to BRING the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN back to MAN-KIND. The KINGDOM OF GOD is LOVE and LIGHT and RIGHTEOUSNESS. JESUS is the LIGHT of THE WORLD and GOD loved the WORLD, so GOD sent his BELOVED SON, not to CONDEMN THE WORLD, BUT TO SAVE IT!! Whosoever BELIEVE'S IN HIM shall not PERISH, but have EVERLASTING LIFE......... SALVATION means JESUS!!! Through JESUS, I now LIVE a LIFE controlled by the HOLY SPIRIT. I LOVE people the RIGHT WAY, now! ESPECIALLY my ENEMIES! My SINS ARE FORGIVEN!!.......WITHOUT SALVATION I would have still been under SATAN'S AUTHORITY and SATAN does not CARE ABOUT ME OR YOUR LIFE, nor does TRUTH or LOVE live in SATAN'S SPIRIT!...........That is WHY SATAN HAS ATTACKED US SINCE WE WERE BORN. SATAN hates GOD and YOU are GOD'S CREATION! Think about this.........Isn't POSITIVITY better than NEGATIVITY????.....LOVE better than HATE?????.......HEAVEN better than HELL????....LIGHT better than DARKNESS?????.....GOOD better than EVIL???????........ .TRUTH better than LIES?????......How can WE be the BETTER ONE out of these without GOD?????.......... God says "Whoever calls on the name of the LORD will BE SAVED".....The LORD is JESUS!! God will JUDGE all SINNERS!!! God has said "ALL SINNERS WILL BE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE" (HELL) ....... If the WORLD has a JUSTICE SYSTEM and sentences people for their CRIMES???? (WRONG DOINGS).....Then what do you think GOD will do??? ...........I AM JUST A SINNER.....SAVED BY GRACE!.....I WAS THE CHIEF SINNER!!...BUT GOD PROVIDED A WAY OF ESCAPE for ME.....GOD LOVES YOU!!!! and GOD has OFFERED YOU a chance at FORGIVENESS AND REDEMPTION, TOO........For that I am GRATEFUL!......What do you choose LIFE OR DEATH????.....Are you SAVED???
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