
(currently suffering from giveaway)

The best opening is the Scotch Game 😎


I love trading and I trade for no reason happy.png


I like to attack if I am attacked rather than just moving my piece away from danger


I currently hate gambits because I don't know how to keep the non-material advantage


I try to win on time at the last 10 seconds of a bullet game, even though I may sacrifice my queen for absolutely nothing.


Owner of the




And now for the other stuff

You don't have to copy and paste

Also the statistics (at the end) are fake




Poverty has ruined this world. What do you expect from all the rich governments that aren't doing anything to help the hungry, the poor, and the homeless? Whenever I pass one of these people on the street, I would do anything to help them. Unfortunately, people fake being hungry, poor or homeless so that they can earn extra money from the kind people who want to help. This shows how greedy this world has become—money, money, money forever.

If you are part of the group of people who care, copy and paste the green and put it in your bio. 

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Don't care about animal cruelty? Well, you should! Every sixty seconds one animal suffers abuse. Don't think "At least they don't die, right?" because they do. Every year in the USA, over 10 million animals die from abuse. want to know something even worse? Animals are tortured and killed, and about 97% of them are farm animals. Speaking of torture, what about lab experiments? Well, every year, over 115 million animals are used in experiments around the world. Approximately 75,000 dogs are tortured in US labs every year. Also in the US are more than 10,000 puppy mills. Don't know what a puppy mill is? They are places where female dogs are pressured to make puppies, then the puppies stay in overcrowded places where the puppies are likely to get sick. Another special animal is elephants, which have ivory tusks that make them very valuable to poachers. Between 35,000-50,000 are poached every year. In the 21st century, more elephants are being poached than being born. What about the animals in the ocean? Well, over 100 million sharks are killed every year illegally, mainly for shark fin soup. Now, one last thing. Cages. What happens when cages and animals mix? Well, if you add in the circus, you find out that circus animals spend 96% of their lives in cages. Imagine being stuck in a cage your entire life, letting people gawk at you. Copy this and put it in your profile if you want to spread the word about animal cruelty.

Global warming is when greenhouse gases warm up the earth, thus the name: Global warming. This might not seem very important and boring. But it is important, and it isn't boring. And here's why: The earth's warming is causing the arctic ice to melt. This is causing the sea levels to rise. Do you know how much ice there is on earth? Think of Russia. Tons. Of. Snow. Think of Antarctica. Even. More. Snow. Think of the North Pole. More ice! The world is covered with more ice than we think there is. And all of that ice is going to melt due to global warming.





Unless we stop global warming. But what's so bad about ice melting? The ice melting is causing the sea levels to rise. But more water means more rain. And more rain means... still not getting my drift? More hurricanes. Or rather: more human cases. Why am I calling this humane? Good question. Because we are causing global warming. We drive cars that emit Co2, a greenhouse gas that can warm up the earth.

Now, if you're an animal lover like me, global warming might be more dismaying. Because hurricanes can kill animals, such as dogs, cats, and... and... other animals. Also, the arctic ice melting is very back for animals that are used to the ice and snow. Such as wolves. And arctic foxes. And polar bears. And penguins. And they are dying because of global warming. But animals such as crocodiles who live in the tropics are still affected. If the earth keeps warming up, well then, it's going to be hot for everyone. Eventually, the earth will become unlivable.


Yes, you read right. Unlivable. And we have to stop this. Now. But another thing is causing global warming. Yes, another thing. Deforestation. Trees breathe in greenhouse gases. And if we're cutting down trees, no one can breathe in all that greenhouse gas. If you are worried about global warming and want to spread the word so that others know about this, then you can copy and paste this and put it on your profile.

99.9% of you won't post this. When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% that cares, put this on your profile.

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Pickle Jar ٢٤٣ عضو
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